New to Northeast Minneapolis this summer was the Northeast Night Market hosted by Bauhaus Brew Lab, a local Minneapolis brewery in the neighborhood.

Custom Pint Glasses for Northeast Night Market 2015
Created by sisters Margie and Madeline Siggelkow of Minneapolis, the mission of the Night Market is to “bring our community together to celebrate and appreciate our local artists, musicians and performers”.
Night Market depended on, in part, donations from local businesses to make this an affordable and family-friendly Twin Cities event. Grey Fox Pottery is located in the same ‘neighborhood’ in Northeast Minneapolis, and when Margie approached us for a donation of custom mugs, we quickly stepped in, without hesitation, and provided them with a custom mug order of handmade, stoneware pint glasses to be sold at the event. The mugs raised over $300 and were also used as gifts to volunteers.
We regularly work with non-profit organizations and community events around the country as we believe giving to the community is a privilege, not a burden. We’re fortunate to be able to give to good people and causes. With any luck, we’ll see the Northeast Night Market return next summer and will enjoy seeing the joy of a community uniting.