When the command team of the 92nd MP Battalion went looking for their 2015 Phoenix Battalion Ball gift, they attempted to find something truly unique and special in custom military mugs to commemorate this, the 70th Anniversary.
LTC Chad Goyette had some requirements that few mug makers, no matter their size and level of experience could offer. His search ultimately lead to Grey Fox Pottery, and while he was initially apprehensive with the expense level, Grey Fox Pottery’s willingness to hold the cost down, and the overall quality of the project eased his tensions.
The unique, custom military mugs we created with the 92nd’s special colors and emblem design would need to be carefully crafted, one by one, in rather large numbers, but expedited through the production process in order to make it to the Ball on time! When military units, both active and historical offer us the opportunity to do something special to honor their service to the good old US of A we jump at it, and truly pull out all the stops.
Since we have done this for other military units many times before we were not worried; just a little stressed, since when hand making stoneware steins, tankards and mugs under tight, no margin for error deadlines, many things can go wrong. I mean; we are good, but human! We carefully made the 92nd’s custom military mugs to ensure each recipient a high quality, commemorative souvenir of a night to remember; and we did in an efficient and timely manner, getting all to the ball on time!
LTC Chad Goyette said the Grey Fox Pottery mugs were part of what was described as the “best ever Battalion Ball!” He further added that unlike in prior years, when gifts have been left behind, all the military mugs were happily taken, and extra attendees requested that more be crafted for them too!
We are truly excited, proud and honored to provide memorable promotional gifts for these special military members and their event. Thanks Chad for the opportunity.